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Return to Sports Plan
Killermont Cleaning are proud to be working with Scottish Premier Football Clubs and other sports facilities. We ensure our clients have a safe route back to a 'new normal' for their players, staff, fans and customers.
Killermont Cleaning use Zoono, one of the Worlds leading Sanitisation products.
Our treatment provides up to 30 days of anti microbial protection on all treated surfaces. Zoono has been accredited by labs around the World and has confirmation of effectivess of > 99.99% against COVOID-19.
safe route back to a 'new normal' for their players, staff, fans and customers.

Our 3 Step Plan....
Step 1
It is vital that surfaces are cleared of debris. A thorough clean of all areas should be completed on a regular basis. Frequency of cleaning will depend on how frequently the area is used on a daily basis. The regular cleaning and disinfecting of high touch areas such as door handles, lift buttons, taps and hand rails is crucial in the fight against harmful bacteria and viruses and Covid-19 in particular.
Step 2
Using Zoono has been proven to protect all treated surfaces against harmful bacteria and viruses for up to 30 days.
A sanitisation technique such as fogging ensures the highest percentage of an area is treated within a very quick time frame. Zoono creates a protective layer on all treated surfaces. Unlike traditional sanitisation fogging, Zoono stays active on surfaces for up to 30 days. Our clients can be confident that should an infected person touch a treated surface, Zoono will continue to help protect that surface.
Regular cleaning can continue without disrupting the protective layer. We recommend that regular cleaning continues as normal. This ensures debris that has not been part of the sanitisation treatment is removed quickly.
Sporting facilities benefit from treatment on all surfaces. Untreated sports facilities can quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria. Areas benefiting greatly from sanitisation treatment include changing facilities, Gym equipment, back office areas and guest bars and restaurants.
Step 3
We recommend that further sanitisation cleaning should be completed no more than 30 days after the initial treatment. Killermont Cleaning will provide a sanitisation certificate and marketing for all treated premises. It is vital for any business to ensure staff and clients are protected within the premises.

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